Words to be included in writing are: pretty, bricks, gorilla, yellow, running

I get to Athletics and I see a pretty girl wearing a yellow dress and cuddling her toy gorilla. I put my bag on a pile of bricks and get ready to run. “100 metre race people, please come down to the front strip”, is called over the loudspeaker, so I go to the start. I see the girl with the yellow dress come down too. “On your marks, get set, go”, says the lady holding the cap gun. Then off I go. I am running as fast as I can, but the pretty girl is catching up. Will I win?

Categories: 100 Word Challenge


Margaret Frye · 19 November 2018 at 12:09 pm

This is a great story, very clear and very organized. I like the way the words are at the top so you remember to include them all and once you use one to describe a character, it is used when the character is mentioned again.

Very well done!

    Yair · 28 November 2018 at 1:40 am

    I like how you prompt is n top so you would remember the words you have to use. And you used a couple of dialog.

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