Buffy, the fighter dog, was playing tug-of-war with me in the backyard. I was tugging the orange rope with all my might, when suddenly, Buffy jumped up and accidentally landed in the dirty, gooey, leafy swimming pool. She clumsily swam to the edge and pulled herself out. She was covered in green, slimy gunk. When I saw her I ran to Mum and said, “Buffy fell into the pool. How do I wash her?” Mum replied, “Bath her”. I called Buffy for her bath and chucked some dog treats to her. She was so excited that she danced and shook all over me.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Susan J · 20 October 2018 at 4:49 pm

I loved the subject and the setting of your story. I once had a disused outdoor swimming pool in the garden and I thought your description here was spot on! I like the image (and the reality!) of an excited dancing dog. Well done.

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