Prompt …exhausted and breathing hard, she simply raised her fists…

So, there we were chasing the evil villain, Cookie Queen. Exhausted and breathing hard, she simply raised her fists. Then it started raining… raining cookies, and in the whole commotion, she got away. But then out of the sky she dropped down on us (my hyena and I) so, we just jumped right back at her. And it was on! We smashed through the cookie shield and looked at her straight in the eye. My hyena latched on to her leg with his bone crushing bite, but not so crushing this time. We took her to jail and became local heroes.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

James · 3 November 2020 at 1:54 am

That was an interesting choice to make this weeks prompt about the villain instead of the hero. Although the villain’s name seemed somewhat light-hearted compared to the level of action and violence you lead characters needed to defeat her.

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