Prompt words: volcano, purple, banana, hairy, swimming

It all began on a mysterious island called Mamaragon where the volcanos spew out gold. So, let’s dig in!

A very hairy monkey dude from Land of The Lost loved his bananas but had to get off Mamargon because the molten gold would have covered the whole island. He grabbed all the bananas that he could find and then started running to the water. The molten gold was getting too close so he dropped a couple of bananas and sped up. Finally, he got to the water where he jumped on a purple hippo that was swimming away. Safe at last!

Categories: 100 Word Challenge


Jackie · 28 July 2019 at 5:54 pm

Michelle, this really is a great piece of writing around a very difficult prompt. I’ve enjoyed the imagery and great sentence structure. Hope you’re OK with me sending it off to our Team 100WC showcase.
Jackie (Team 100WC), New Plymouth, New Zealand

    Michelle Tham · 30 July 2019 at 4:40 pm

    Hi Jackie,
    Mika is delighted with your feedback.
    Thank you!

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