Going to school he was nervous, because it was needle day and he felt really ill.

Then he got to school and his class was the first class to go to the hall and he was last in the line.

He was nervous the whole time and his palms where sweating and he was watching everyone get their needle. Then it was his go and he rolled up his sleeve and he watched the cap of the needle come off.

Then they wiped his arm and before he could say anything, the needle was in his arm. Bang!

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Cliona Brennock · 2 December 2020 at 6:49 am

Hi James,
You’ve done a great job with the prompt this week. You describe a situation lots of your readers can identify with. I love how you describe his sweaty palms, that’s a definite sign of nervousness!!
Great writing this week, well done.
Ms Brennock
Team 100 w/c

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