Prompt: but it was heavier than he expected..

Once there was a boy who thought that he was the strongest because he could pick up anything or anyone, but he couldn’t because he could not pick up a real elephant.

He tried to pick up a teacher but he got in trouble, so the boy went to a Safari in Africa. When he saw an elephant, he got out of the Jeep and tried to pick it up but it sat on him and it broke all the boy’s bones in his body and he couldn’t move or lift anymore, so don’t try and pick an elephant up.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge


Vivi · 15 October 2019 at 3:43 am

I loved the idea of your story. However, you forgot to add the most important thing, which is to add the prompt into the story. Another thing is that you should pay more attention to your punctuation. Good job!

GPS Student (6th grade)

Jess · 15 October 2019 at 8:01 pm

Great writing! I loved how you included funny elements and more serious scenarios. Why not check my blog out at:

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