Prompt words: calendar, sticky, white, minuscule, washing

I was looking at what I had to wash. Every day I looked at the calendar to see if I had to do the dishes or if my sister had to do the washing. I looked at a load of plates, bowls, and cutlery. Some days the load was minuscule and other days it was humungous. I knew I had to start now because I wanted to watch TV. First, the plates were sticky and brown but then they turned into a pure white and then I let them dry on the drying rack. After one hour I was done, and I could relax.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Heidi (Team 100WC, New Zealand) · 20 September 2021 at 8:48 am

Kia Ora Tyler. Well done, I really enjoyed reading your 100 Word Challenge. I like how you’ve turned an everyday activity into a story, making it interesting to read by including lots of detail. I especially enjoyed your sentence ‘First, the plates were sticky and brown but then …’.
Great use of the prompt this week Tyler – keep up the super writing!

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