Prompt ….when it just wouldn’t take off…

The four Australian astronauts went on a twelve month mission to see if aliens lived on Mars, but they didn’t find anything except for red dirt and cyclones. They came back to Earth and took a break before they went back to the space station for their next mission, which was to drop off rovers on Mars to see if it would even be possible to live there. They hopped into the spaceship and were doing their fuel and engine checks and started the countdown. The rockets fired, but they were furious and shocked when it just wouldn’t take off.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Mrs. G. · 7 February 2021 at 3:21 am

Your piece flowed very nicely so it was easy to read and understand. Your details made this piece of fiction seem so real. Well done. Keep writing.
Mrs. G., Team 100, Guilderland, NY, USA

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