The rainbow statue is moving in the nice hot wind. The statue is fake and it is a human and it is a girl playing a trick on her friend and she has her black, furry dog with her. The dog loves playing tricks with the girl because it is funny and they love doing it. They do it nearly every week and they win a shiny gold medal in the “Build the Best Statue” competition and make the judges laugh.They’ve done it. They are amazing on that stage. The friends are laughing their heads off because it is hilarious.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Anna (Team 100WC) · 22 June 2021 at 11:52 pm

Hi Jamie,

This was a very enjoyable and interesting read. I like how you were able to build such a creative narrative around the prompt. You also included some very good and detailed descriptions which added to the overall story and demonstrates your skill in writing, well done.

Keep up the good work!
Anna (Team 100WC)

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