I danced my way around the bath as I washed my dogs, Stitch and Poppy. They played with their favourite bath toy, a squeaky orange ball. The dogs started to run and jump around in the bath and got very excited. They suddenly jumped out, clumsily knocking the bath over. It fell on me, pushing me to the ground, as the dogs ran down the hallway to my Mum. She ran in and tried to lift the bath off me, but it was too heavy. She called the fire brigade and a giant fire fighter came and lifted the bath. I was free.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Ronan · 19 October 2018 at 9:04 am

I love it!
The Part when you said It fell on me, pushing me to the ground, as the dogs ran down the hallway to my Mum, It made me think they must have Been Running for their Life!
But I wouldn’t have that happen to me
Mine is at https://ronansworld.100wc.net/

Ronan from
Georgia, United States

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