But they were exhausted after riding 60km in the cold, up and down hills, through forests and over bridges. Then they went to the mountains, over the sea to Tasmania, riding their special bikes. The bikes had huge plastic tyres that kept them on top of the water, unable to sink. It looked very hard. The riders were puffed and their faces were bright red, like ripe tomatoes. A couple of riders were nearly there, with only two kilometres left, and they were still pushing hard. Suddenly, someone fell off. He got back on but the other rider won. Sad life!

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Cliona Brennock · 11 December 2018 at 4:36 am

Hi Mika,
Well done on your story this week. That sounds like a crazy race. I’m not surprised that the participants were exhausted! I’m worn out just reading about it all!
Keep up the great writing.
Ms Brennock, Team 100 w/c
Dublin, Ireland

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