My dad is a famous ladybird scientist who studies weird bugs. One day, I was playing with my Lego near my dad’s ladybird collection when I suddenly dropped my favourite Lego man through a small hole into the ladybirds’ cage. The ladybirds start to come close to my favourite Lego man, John, and start biting him fiercely. Then I realise that the ladybugs are getting bigger by the second. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. “It’s Dad,” I whisper in my head. Now the ladybugs are coming out of the cage because they’re getting so big. “Lachlan,” Dad screams……

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

pippan · 13 November 2018 at 9:09 am

i am proud of you for using more than 4 different types of pucktoatoin

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