Prompt….then it began….

Then it began. My heart was racing faster than a racing car. I couldn’t believe what was happening. After three months of intense and harsh training I was finally in Gallipoli. It was full pandemonium! Men were yelling and screaming at me to go, so I seized the moment. I aimed my gun in the direction of the enemy. I went to pull the trigger but then an emotion came over me that I had never felt before. I couldn’t do it. I know it sounds like I am a coward, but I just couldn’t and I think I made a huge mistake signing up to this crazy adventure.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Cath (Team100, Melbourne, Australia) · 27 July 2020 at 6:40 pm

Wow! What a powerful story. It raises such an amazing question and it is a question that I think many people would find difficult to answer. I think you have used your historical knowledge to set the scene with some accuracy. Well done.

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